Flow Solver and Software
- Research codes:
- OpenFOAM (incompressible unstructured flow solver)
- rhoEnergyFOAM (compressible flow solver with minimum energy dissipation)
- SU2 (Stanford University code, compressible unstructured flow solver with optimization tools)
- CFL3D (NASA code, compressible structured RANS solver)
- eddy (NASA spectral code with discontinuous-Galerkin method)
- XFOIL (MIT Prof. Drela's airfoil analysis code)
- Commercial codes:
- Star-CCM+ (200 cores licenses)
- Pointwise (professional grid-generation tool)
Computer Resources
- Cluster with 708 cores (Intel E5-2683V4)
- Workstations (Intel E5-2667V4 3.2GHz, 128GB RAM, 16TB storage, NVIDIA Qadro M4000 8GB)